
RockUrFace Marketplace

Do you dig tunes?

RockUrFace Marketplace is a Full Stack Python/Django eCommerce web application for buying and selling Classic Albums.

View of RockUrFace Marketplace site with Albums for sale

With an attractive, responsive user interface, you can post your albums, bid on others, or just browse and enjoy the selection.

The RockUrFace Marketplace site runs on a SQLite database consisting of these features:

RockUrFace Marketplace originated as a class project. All except for the Register, Login, and Logout functionalities are my original work.

Video Walkthrough

See the site in action!

Want to try it out?

Go to the RockUrFace Marketplace GitHub repo and follow the instructions to get rocking. 🎸 🎹 🥁 🎙️ 🎚️ 🧑‍🎤

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